Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm on a GOAT!!

I'm on a goat!
I'm on a goat!
Everybody look at me cause I'm ridin' on a goat.
I'm on a goat!
I'm on a goat!
Take a good, hard look at the motherfuckin' goat!

I'm on a goat motherfucker take a look at me!
Straight ridin' on a goat near the deep blue sea!!
Bustin 5 knot wind, whippin out my coat.
You can't stop me motherfucker cause I'm on a goat!

Her name is Maebell!  And I retextured her myself (the one she came up with was gawd awful)  I love her so much!  I haven't figured out her story just yet, but she officially counts and Korinda's Familiar. Ironically, it's a kids rideable from AKK.... and it fits me.  haha being short has finally paid off!


  1. hehe awesome post XD(I can't watch the vid cuz of international copyright crappola but .. )shes on a goat! shes on a goat! take a good hard look at the motherfuckin goat! LMAO

  2. hehehe Thank you! If you've heard the song you don't really need to watch the video anyway, I just put it there for the "I'm on a boat" parody."

  3. *still snickering* Too funny! Love the parody, and congats on finally finally your goat!

  4. Congratulations on your goat! I can't wait to see it in-world! And yeah, woohoo for being short too!Never thought I'd be on a goat...
