Monday, March 7, 2011

Second Life families should be ridiculous.

But they're not.

I try not to talk smack on blogs, as is tasteless, and no one wins, but it looks as if I am about to walk a very fine line.

I've been thinking a little bit (not a lot) at the blow my little Second Life Family took when a member decided to "leave" second life. Not that they did not have my best wishes, and understanding, I find myself bitter about the non-confrontational way it was handled, (or not handled?) and, the contradicting pieces of gossip that indicate that what I was told from the horses mouth, is not what the horses mouth says to others.

News flash: I'm too busy. New Flash: They knew that going in.

It has put me off of all ideas of adopting or expanding my SL family with children. Prim babies as weird as they are to some, don't leave without warning. I've noticed some child avatars I have known go through parents like some people go through boxes of cereal, and vice versa. It's madness. No wonder so many people think it is dysfunctional and weird. Dysfunctional and weird families are making our reputation here.

(It's always the ones that talk like infants, coincidence? or are they driving their new parents crazy with age inappropriate speaking?)

But that is neither here nor there. I used to feel as if the "leaving us hanging with no explanation or story closures until confronted" was the part that irked me. But there is something else. That, said person, was made into the center of the family. The stories were retro-written to make sure that this person (who's company we did enjoy during the duration of the family-ship) and then they were left with a gap.

So I spackled it shut, job done. People understand when you IM them OoC and say "dude, she's got a real life where she is a grown up." I've stuck together a drama free prim baby with spit and glue, and I know the person who is playing my first child in real life, which rules out a lot of drama.

My first child in Second Life, was an alt account. I felt that my husband and I were not a complete family, and could be nice to have someone to look after, even if it were one of us. Then, I was fortunate enough to get a pretty awesome SL kid (She was, after all a good kid during the time she was with us. I think that is what made it all the more shocking when she disappeared) One who I felt was worth these rewrites, so we cound completely integrate her. So I don't regret any of it.

I do regret my decision to inflict my First Child with a case of SORAS (Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome) and bump him from six, to twelve. I only did so, because the roll of the younger, playful child had been filled, and... an older, protective brother was desired.

That older brother possition was filled by one of my friends (as mentioned) Since then, my main character has fretted and fussed over the fact he is responsible and polite. Something no parent would ever complain about. Then I think, why *shouldn't* he be responsibile and polite and smart. We do, after all, strive to be good parents (in character, anyway. See: Too busy)

I think it is because she lost that young child not just once, but twice. Because I aged him up, and because she told us, she belonged to someone at a level that did not allow her to be someone's fake kid. And that it had all become a chore.

Even though it is all RP, I think that my character wants to know what happened to her fucking young child. In her story line. It *officially* never happened, but I couldn't rewind my eldest child's age.

So thus, I resist the temptation to turn one of my many stupid alts that do nothing, into the middle child. It would be too much explaining to do anyway. I need to embrace my child free alts, and just buy fucking horses.

Not the breedable ones. And not to be kept in the Second Floor Room of the Tavern.

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