Thursday, March 3, 2011

On Unions and Names

Of all people who should have given a recap of Fadrienne and Thyul's wedding, it is I. I did try, but had a lot of technical difficulty getting Flickr and Wordpress to work together.

So, instead, I will share the link to Chern's retelling on the official blog, which is better than I could have done anyway. And, share Bleizdu's wonderful pictures, as well as my own. (some harmless nudity, so view in an appropriate environment.)


In other news, I too am taking advantage of the display name feature, and turning my name Corinda/Korinda into it's greek root name Korinna. Which allows me to exploit Ovid's lovely poem "Love in the Afternoon" even more than the corruption of it I use for my blog(s) title(s).

Naturally, there has to be some story behind this. Since it is a root name, (no pun intended) I have decided this is her name. With spring approaching, and a little one of her own starting life, she has decided to return to it after long using the knick-name "Corinda" Given to her by old revelry friends, who by now, have pickled their livers.

Why? Well, Corinda is a fantasy Character I have from a Forgotten Realms-esque setting. When my husband found the Seven Isles so many moons ago, I decided it might be a good place for her to live out another tail. The reality is, the avatar/character has evolved into her own person. They both deserve distinction.

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